Still think we're in one of those "religious" arguments here. One side will probably never accept what the other is saying.

I will make an attempt to read Trashing the Planet out of interest and a desire to look at all sides of the issue.

But, why should anyone accept one publication as fact and not another? I don't believe anyone who writes a book does so purely to get factual information in the hands of the public, they want to sell books and they all have an agenda, so the information held within that book needs to be viewed with that agenda in mind.

Here are a few reviews from Amazon users, you'll see the varying opinions.

1 This book is a good starting point for those who want to research environmental issues and not get distracted by the hype. It provides many resources and provides good leads. It is also an easy read for those who don't have a scientific back ground.

2 Presents an interesting look at the conservative perspective on the environmental issues of today, but if you are looking for a book with accurate data that you can quote, this is not it. After finding an error right away on page 2, I found it hard to know what was fact and what was not. It does not present the sources of the numbers it quotes, so you can't judge if the information is any more valid than the studies it criticizes. There are better books out there presenting the conservative viewpoint on environmental issues. Does have an interesting section on natural radiation sources though.

3 I keep this book handy to educate clueless people who just listen to the "news" each night.
It is loaded with earth facts, and dispells the popular myths of today, that man has the power to change the climate.
We don't.
We are arrogant for thinking we can. The environmmental movement is a home for Socialists, just follow the money.
Buy this book and prepared to be angered by how manipulated you have been. You are taxed to death for the "environmental good" that has no meaning. What dopes we all are.

4 A completely outdated, thoroughly debunked screed against the environmental movement. Contains a number of hilarious errors, including overestimating the amount of chlorine released by volcanoes by a factor of about 5,000!