Quote Originally Posted by hbh2oguard View Post
Stranded divers chase off Komodo dragon on island

By ALI KOTARUMALOS, Associated Press Writer Sun Jun 8, 2:14 PM ET

JAKARTA, Indonesia - Scuba divers swept away in strong currents survived 12 hours in shark-infested waters....

This is why we have such a problem with sharks. Everyone hates them and it is the press and media that make people that way. Why were the waters listed as "shark-infested" ??? Were there thousands and thousands of sharks per square mile? How many sharks would there need to be in order for the water to be infested?

Were they attacked by sharks? NO, then why even bring up sharks?

The real question is how did they survive 12 hours in sea cucumber-infested waters? I hate those sea cucumbers, always attacking humans, darn man eaters.