Lottie, they are free drifting all over the world oceans! They are reporting the same thing I have recorded no warming beyond normal variations! You have to also understand that we shut down 2/3rd of the coldest reporting stations when the USSR closed their doors in 1992! So they had to average thus the false reading! Some, like at NASA are politically motivated to hid the truth! This is a new program in geologic terms and I to have noticed the cooler water in the last 8 years or so from the Caribbean to the South Pacific! We will get more data and track the changes better in the future! The best indicator is still that fact that the ocean has risen at the same rate for the last 35000 years on average! 3/4 inch per year!

All this while MARS is also going through planetary warming and we just came off a solar cycle of high activity! We live in an open system and CO2, as a diver you know, is only .o47% of ambient air! Hardly beyond the Oceans carrying capacity for CO2 witch is nothing more than Carbon that is free until a green plant uses it! Poor science by political scientists!