LOTTIE - the J'ouvert sounds like a lot of fun - the Jamaican's definitely know how to party - hope you have lots of fun. Shame that its all artificial trees etc. Don't think you are missing out where brussel sprouts are concerned! I hate them ever since I watched the 'Vicar of Dibbly' epposode where she had a brussel sprout eating competition having eaten about 3 Christmas dinners made me feel sick - can't look at them now!!! What do the Jews believe about Christmas? What do the 8 Chanukah candels symbolise?

DADDY-H20 - I don't think you rambled on I found what you had to say very interesting. What a lovely way to propose and how nice that you should give your daughter the choice of meal Christmas Day. I know what our Kirsty would choose - pasta! She has got the choice this evening and she went for Carbonara (not cause it is her birthday - more because she is quite fussy and I was trying to ensure she actually ate with us rather than just grabbing a microwave meal!)

I do agree with you about the Christmas commercialism - it has got way out of hand and many children/adults do not know the true meaning of Christmas. As children, we used to be in a church choir, and we would go to the crib service, midnight mass and the Christmas morning service - we never minded and we loved singing the carols - I think then Christmas was a lot more magical. Now we never go to church, not even at Christmas - I seem to have lost my faith over the years but I am sure that that is why Christmas is not as magical! It strikes me it has just turned into some kind of present giving competition. You didn't say which country you were from!

Now I'm rabbling on - sorry - I wish you both a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2008.