If you serviced your regs every two years and that worked for you, at least that would be a regular preventative maintenance program. I can agree with that. In many cases that would work.

As far as the reg failing and you have to abort the dive, in some cases that would work. But why subject yourself and your buddy to that unnecessary stress? Could I survive jumping off my roof? Probably. Why risk it though?

I know what you are talking about when it comes to finding reliable techs. If bad techs are monkeys, than I live in the jungle around here! Probably 7 or 8 years ago I realized the only person around here I could trust to work on my gear was me. I happened to be working at a shop at the time and managed to get in on my first reg repair course. Over the years through connections I have gotten a few more. Getting ahold of the service literature can be difficult too, but it can be found. Even harder is getting rebuild kits! Wow, if someone can find me a source for those I'd be grateful! There are some good books out there on servicing regulators you can get your hands on. That Vance Harlow guy writes a good one from www.airspeedpress.com. If you are comfortable working with tools it is well within your grasp.