What great show!

We're working on the photos, and we have some scoops for all my fellow CCR divers.

We made some excellent connections with dive resorts that are going to be perfect for our SMN Group Trips, and we made some contacts with the right people at Continental, Singapore Air and Philippine Air whom we will be partnering with depending on destinations.

Oh, and the manatees uncharacteristically cooperated with us by swimming into the crystal clear spring portion of the Three Sisters area of Crystal River even though it wasn't cold enough yet for them.

What an amazing experience having endangered, magnificent animals swim right up to us, roll over and beg to be scratched, and we shot it all in HD video. There is nothing like having to turn your HD videocam delicate port away from the scratchy whiskers of a wild manatee wanting to nibble on your port!

You're all in for a treat.....