Quote Originally Posted by acelockco View Post
It has never been a problem for me in the past. It is also something most of my dive buddys do. I have only had one o-ring fail on us the entire summer, and it was operator error that caused the problem. It happened before the dive and of course I had plenty of extra.

I bet they are most likely made in the same factory, but have different packaging. Of course as soon as the SCUBA name is added, the price goes up.

And don't fool yourself, ALL o-rings will fail, even Papa Bear's White Gold ones. It is really not a big deal because the large majority of the time this happens before the dive and is corrected.

Your argument is that a majority of the time an o-ring will not fail?

I refuse to play the odds (call it the cheap Jew in me), or leave something so easily attended to, to chance!! A simple service call will ward off those failures and virtually guarantee a fail safe-dive. Nothing is 100% (except death and taxes), so let's dispense with everything will fail, eventually argument!

As for the cost esculating when annotated as "For SCUBA use", I have to chuckle. The scuba industry has nothing on the aviation industry when it comes to prices!