Hello Cliff,

Now I know why I could not access the forums at UWDV.

Having travelled a bit with my Z1 and Phenom housing perhaps I can offer some packing suggestions. First, and perhaps most important, insure the hell out of your gear. That way you are covered for loss, theft, flooding, damage, whatever. Whenever possible I insist that customs check the case and mark that they have done so and then I lock it with a combination lock that they would have to cut off.

I use Amphibico's custom hard case for the Phenom and it has bold gold lettering announcing the contents of the case. I suppose flashing neon signs would be a little more noticeable but not much. The camera is always carried in my carry-on, never inside the housing. Ensure that you have removed the O-rings from the housing prior to checking it in as luggage. Otherwise the change in pressure may make opening the housing at your destination extremely difficult or, worse yet, pop the lens out.

Some airlines accept the equipment as scuba gear and do not charge as overweight. Others charge regardless. There does not even seem to be any consistency as to what the charges will be. I paid $250 extra to take my equipment to Indonesia, and $80 to bring it back. Go figure.

Purchasing one of the smaller HD cameras and subsequent smaller housing makes a lot of sense since then you could probably manage the whole kit as carry-on.