Quote Originally Posted by lottie View Post
Thanks for that.
let me get this straight - even if you have a small and a larger tank - both filled with 3000psi. Am i under the assumption that you will have longer (time) underwater with the larger tank??
Lottie, there are too many variables at play to really answer your question.

The simple answer is; I think you are asking if all tanks that have a full working pressure of 3000 psi hold the same amount of air, the answer is "no".

In this case the tank with the larger capacity should last the longest time underwater. However, there are many other variables at play.

Such as: Are the two tanks going on the same dive with the same diver?
If a man has a bigger tank than his female buddy, he might suck up more air and finish sooner. What depth are you diving? How hard will you be working? What is the water temperature?
All these can impact the bottom time with a tank of any size.