Quote Originally Posted by acelockco View Post
Sounds like some mechanic did not do his/her job properly. But I am sure that that same mechanic did not forget to complain that they are not paid enough and it is the customers fault because they want low prices!


Well, you are right. When it was working it wasn't the mechanic doing his job. When it stopped working half way through the flight, now it's the mechanic's fault? A little FYI, there are a minimum 8 pumps per airplane, often more. For one pump to fail, is not cause to return the plane to a maintenance base. It often is a matter of allaying fears by claiming a minor problem, and mechanicals are an easy way to do what they want to do without raising the ire of the passengers. What passenger will argue that a mechanical issue is not reason to take all precautions?

When a mechanic/engineer doesn't do his/her job, people die. PERIOD!!!! You all are telling tales of woe, well, thank the mechanic for placing you in the position to carry on with respective lives. Oh, and the heart-felt thanks that flow freely from your lips, is gratitude enough for a job well done. In the middle of the night, in all weather, weekends and holidays, kids school and life functions, all done in a fog of fatigue. You see maintenance is done when the planes are not flying, which is opposite every one else's daily life.

As for the union thing, maintenance is done in spite of the unions.

I guess complaining about flying is just like the SUV owner complaining about the cost of fuel........ predictable.