[QUOTE=Mountain Dog;5000]
The author said to think of 100 dollars as a single "scuba buck". That way, every time you go to the dive shop, you'll only spend a couple of "scuba bucks". Doesn't seem to hurt quite as much.
I Love That, I think It's the same logic my wife has been using for years when she shops.....Now I can use it too. let's see that Rebreather is now only 20 scuba bucks...I'll take it!

Anyway, I have the Sealife DC500 and 600. Single strobe on both and I love them both. I got the DC500 because of the "Shark Mode" Function and later the DC600 because the 500 wouldn't take cards larger than 512MB without locking up sometimes. Forget the "Mini" it's for poolside parties or giving to the kids on a snorkeling trip. Go with the 600 and get the extra batteries, I change out after every dive. The batteries in the strobe too. I don't think you'll be disappointed. All the pictures I've posted were shot with those two cameras.
Just a Seadog's opinion