Thanks Ace for that brilliant piece of psychological insite. You the man! I guess if I spent more time on this site instead of out actually diving then I may have known how to stop these reminders like you do.

I'm a member of 3 other scuba diving forums and non of those have ever sent me email reminders that I haven't visited the site lately. This is a new board and the folks here are trying to get and retain members by sending reminders to everyone that they haven't been here lately with no explanation as to how to turn them off. It may not be "Rocket Science" to you but a short explanation of how to disable these reminders contained in the email wouldn't be to much to ask for. As I said in my first post I have sent several emails asking how to turn it off but I received no response. If you don't want threads like this then explane to people how to stop the spam. I don't need a reminder to tell me that I haven't visited this site lately, I know I haven't been here in awhile and there is a reason for it, I actually dive instead of just talking about it.

Thanks to IDiverChick for the belated explanation.

Safe diving to everyone.