Quote Originally Posted by acelockco View Post

This really hit me hard when I went to college for computer science. An ongoing problem for a lot of the computer science majors was that the teachers had not been to school in years. They were trying to teach us things, but everything they knew was outdated. It was more like we learned on our own, and then taught the teacher. Kinda makes me wonder why I wasn't the one getting paid.......

The trite saying "a good diver is always learning" really applies here. I know many instructors that may teach openwater only students, but go on to many other styles/types of diving. Those other types of diving are the instructors way of gaining proficiency, skill, and knowledge outside the realm of their instructor roles. I had a Openwater I and II instructor who strongly advocated cave diving as a way to improve skill level, even though he refused to be certified as a cave instructor.