What is the posted question again and what is it intended to ask?

You take a test both written and practical every Y number of years.
If you've been keeping up on your skills, it shouldn't be a problem. If you
haven't been keeping up then remedial training is required through any dive

I do not want any governments involved in any of this. They'll just screw it up
and diving will no longer be an adventure.

The dive industry has been very good at self regulating, let's keep it that way.

We've seen from time to time, an individual we said to ourselve, man they
need more experience, practice, whatever. These are the types of people
we're takling about. The ones you say, "should they be doing this dive" The
one you when ask them and they say "Who are you to tell me I can't", the
ones that feel they need to push their limit a little too far too quick. You can
choose not dive with them, but you came to dive. It's not fair, but life not
fair.. Should something happen to them and you were not there to help, or if
you were, the experience, the memories. I can go on and one and a million
post can add a million more reasons. There are a million ways this can be
handled and will not be resolved in a forum.

So whats the point of writing all this stuff about should and shouldn't good for
other than a way to vent our personal opinion on what we perceive to be correct?

So keep up the input, maybe someone will collect everything that is written
and formulate a conclusion that will say recerts is a fad or a fact.
Who knows...???