Quote Originally Posted by acelockco View Post
As far as deciding on which cam to get, which you would think makes the most sense, decide on the housing first. The difference in cost between some housings can be insane....sometimes more than double! So I would say, find the housing you can afford and like first and then get the cam to match.
Thanks for all the responses
It's more a question of the u/w housing than the actual camera. If I don't see anything I like in SXM, then I'll try B&H.

Ace - it looks as though i'll be doing it the opposite way - I definitely need a new camera, more for land-based stuff than anything. But something that I can get the housing for and in-turn still use the camera underwater, without having to find out that I spend x amount of $$$ on a new camera only to find that I can't locate a housing for it.

Do B&H do the housings as well? or are there other favourable outlets (apart from ikelite) that I could try?