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Thread: Let's keep it complicated

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  1. #28
    Registered Users kirwoodd's Avatar
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    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Tigerbeach View Post
    Kirwoodd, you are certainly entitled to any opinion you choose.
    The comments made by myself and others are not meant to diminish you as a person, provider, or whatever else in life you do. Or as a diver.

    This realm however, is something you know very little about.

    I, too, have made 27 dives; Per week. Every week.
    Month after month. Year after year.
    I made over 5000 dives as an Instructor, many of which were in the course
    of training other Instructors.
    I don't pretend to know everything. I am only an expert at what I did.
    My purpose is to give you an example of experience.

    Feel free to use my experience or anyone else's; Or learn it all on your own.

    Just don't expect to be taken very seriously, when you choose to spout off about a new skill.

    Best fishes,

    incredibly valid, and it should be weighed accordingly.
    I know 4 guys who dive 80 times a month, every month, all year long, NONE of them has a long hose. I am NOT saying that long hoses are bad, I am saying that people should make their own decisions based on their situations.

    OK, that makes it something like 5 times that I have said it, so thats the last.
    sorry for the diversion. All done.
    Last edited by kirwoodd; 08-02-2007 at 11:20 PM.
    sounds like we need to gear up a teampaulc uberwagen and hit the highway in the sinister way that only a vehicle with a clown on it can -- warmeister

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