Many professions attempt to make their past time sound more complicated and demanding than reality. Lawyers use latin, physicians handwriting more resembles hieroglyphics, other use acronyms uncontrollably.

"I descended to 120 FSW".........What is wrong with; I went to 120 feet? I mean, are readers REALLY going to do fact checking with a hydrometer to determine the specific gravity of the fluid in which you dive to verify that it is in fact salt water or fresh water? Or how about; "We suited up on the shores of lake so and so and descended to 80 FFW. I would have thought the word "lake" made the middle f in FFW rather redundant.

Us closed circuit rebreather types take such silliness to a whole new dimension:

SCR-semi-closed circuit rebreather
CCR, close circuit rebreather
eCCR, electronic closed circuit rebreather
dCCR diver controlled closed circuit rebreather
mCCR, manual closed circuit rebreather (no doubt controlled by Manuel)
RMVR Respiratory Minute Volume Keyed Rebreather
DSV-Dive surface valve
OC/DSV open circuit dive surface valve
DSV/BOV dive surface bailout valve