Wow, intresting read. It must be said that no matter where you plan to travel and even if you plan to stay home there are always going to be things about a country that you disagree with. Look at America, the country where I live...they are USUALLY (read: always) doing things I don't agree with but that is the way of the world. If they (the government) knew what I really felt and thought, they would probablly have had me in jail a long time ago.

Hopefully this will all get taken care of in court and the hunting will stop, but I don't think it would stop me from going there on vacation.

Now talk about bad, did you know that Egypt's government used dirty needles to treat their people for bilharzia which then spread hepatitis C to most of their country! Now they have the worst hepatitis C crisis in the world. Now we are talking about peoples lives not birds.