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Thread: Back Inflate or Vest

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  1. #1
    Registered Users
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    Default Surface Floating Issue

    Just a quick post, to say I had similar surface issues with my new Seaquest Balance BCD last August, but stuck 2 lbs in the non dump pouches at the back (1lb in each)..and it seemed to fix the problem.

    And as said elsewhere here, you dont need to fully inflate either.

    Hope this helps.

  2. #2
    Registered Users Finless's Avatar
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    From my own perspective I had a jacket style (I'll call it a BCD for simplicity) before moving to a wing. I really liked my BCD with its pockets and I never found it to be an issue with being cluttered ......... now I have a wing but I have a pocket pouch on the waist band!

    In the UK I wear a dry suit all year round and that is what I use for buoyancy during the dive so the BCD/wing is to hold the cylinder(s), give me lift on the surface and to provide backup under water.

    When I moved to twin 12 ltr cylinders my BCD didn't have enough lift to support me at the surface so I bought a wing.

    In short, IMO, if you are single cylinder diving then a BCD is fine. There are some really good designs out their that don't squeeze you when fully inflated and keep the gas where it should be to support you at the surface.

    Over inflating a wing can push you forward with a single cylinder and moving your weight about can help ease the issue.

    If you don't have lift issues then stick with what you've got ....... unless you want to buy some new dive kit.

    Also, people say wings give you better under water trim but I've never really found that to be an issue whatever I've used ........

    Certainly, from a UK perspective, BCD's were for singles (plus ponies) and wings for more weight/cylinders. I have noticed more wing style BCD's in the mags but whether than is fashion led or there is any need for it .......... ?

    [EDIT]I misread the opening post so most of the above is not relavant but I'll add - if suffering "tipping forward" on the surface put some lead at the back of your cylinder (unless you get into tight spaces) or in relevant trim pockets .....
    Last edited by Finless; 06-09-2007 at 10:23 PM.

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