Quote Originally Posted by Zero View Post
Every second word was fookin this or fookin that. Made me look and im a truck driver so that says something. Anyway off on the dive we go and its rather peaceful without them in the near area swearing their heads off. Get back on the line at the end of the dive and the 2 of them are just above me and still talking! Not much is audible but you can still pick out every second word.
I actually know a guy like that. He'd drop, pardon this Tagalog swear phrase, "Put--- Ina," every few words (meaning "Your mother's a who--" *flinch*). His every line seemed to have a double exclamation mark at the end.
And then he got married. And then he had a daughter. And then his daughter got to an age where she parroted everthing her parents said.
He cleaned up his language virtually overnight