I wonder how the diving skills on the solo diving course are moderated?........

Instructors do most of their dives "solo" even though they preach buddy diving, as seldom are the students in a position to render assistance to the instructor if required.

To dive with redundant equipment, equates to skills learnt during technical diving, where you as the diver must be totally self sufficient in order to have a back up system in the vent of a total gas failure, or any equipment failure for that matter, or any crisis that needs resolvement, in an overhead situation, be it a cave dive, wreck, deep or deco dive with a decompression ceiling.

I do not see why such a type of activity must be "marketed" to the wide world as a "Solo diving course"

Just as Tech diving has its own following of participants, "Solo" diving becomes an outflow of the activity, as you are trained to be redundant nd you need to be redundant.

To market solo diving to persons that do not have the pshycological "make-up" to handle the stress and increased equipment maintenance and task loading, is inviting disaster.

It would be interresting to see how many of these "Solo" divers are Technical divers, and how many of them are doing it for a new "Indiana Jones" type badge to show everybody, but do not want to go through the rigours of a technical diving course, because "Tech diving is not for them..."

Is "Solo diving" becoming the new "daredevil thing"?
"Look Mommy... No Buddy!!!" or
"Tired of Tech.. Real men dive Solo !!!" (Can I coin that line - ?)

Soon to be "Solo divers" must remember the following..." You cannot breathe water, and you cannot swim through rock"

Solo diving puts you at uneccessary risk, for no reason at all.
There is NOTHING underwater worth dying for....

If you are a videographer of photographer or surveyor that does "tedious" hours of diving not chasing around looking at "big" and impressive things, I am sure that by utilising the time and money spent on Solo diving courses, twin cylinder set-ups, isolation manifolds or whatever the equipment flavour of the month is, differently, you could find a good buddy with similar interrests in a diving club, that would also find the "tedious" diving fun.

Being a good buddy, begets a good buddy..
Reduce the risk......

Safe diving
