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Thread: whew...

  1. #1

    Default whew...

    been trying to get here... well I have been diving for about 20 yrs. started out in the Marine Corps and found that I could also dive for fun..... then after a few "fun" dives I realized I missed working under water so I went commercial diving in the gulf mexico did that three and 1/2 years drowned twice resuscitated and continued to dive for another year.. then a friend died out there and I became a cop to do something safe...... all of my scuba gear had been re-engineered into commercial gear or mostly traded for other commercial gear.... Then I met my fiance' she over heard a friend and I talking about our diving days ( he was in the Navy) but same story almost...and he is now a cop too but anyhoo she heard the stories and took a course in school and she goes for her check out in May to vortex springs....I am 40 and she Is 22 and has again awakened the diving bug in me ......only problem so far is that living in the middle of south Louisiana there is no good diving right around here so when she gets her vet degree done look out south Florida here we come....

    Looking forward to posting here in the future.. thanks
    Last edited by wetwillie; 04-13-2007 at 04:15 AM. Reason: spelling

  2. #2
    Registered Users Sarah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Welcome WW!

    Glad you hung in there to get the e-mail activation/your spam filter thing squared away.

    Interesting story! Glad you found a S/O also into diving. But if you move to South Florida, DO get a good air conditioner!

    p.s., thanks for your service to our Country in our Armed Forces

  3. #3


    Your all welcome not a problem south Louisiana is like south Florida with out the nice water, beaches um well it is hot here too...other than that it suxz

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