Due to the fact that a hot buffet lunch is provided, we greatly appreciate pre-registration so we have a better idea of how much food to have on hand. However, due to the delay in the mail, please DO NOT post registrations later than March 23rd . You may register on-line up to April 4th.

After the 4th or if you can’t register on-line, you may phone 905-382-2389, or register by e-mail ian@niagaradivers.com. You will receive a confirmation of your registration by phone or email stating that your tickets/name tags may be picked up and paid for at the pre-registration table.


We finalize the food order 24 hours prior to the event. At that time, we order for 40 people more than we have registered to cover those who register in the last 24 hours. Unregistered walk-ins are allowed (seating is not a problem); however, if we have more last minute registrations and walk-ins than we have meals for, different coloured name tags will be issued and lunch and refreshments will not be included. No discount applies. There are restaurants and fast food outlets nearby. Doors open at 8:00 AM; Show starts at 9:00 AM sharp.

Latest Updates

The NDA has always been noted for our calorie replenishment program. We have always taken pride in the food we serve at our events. This year Chef Paul’s catering from Welland will again be supplying the food to the same standards that we have had in the past. This is being done on a per/head basis, which is why we can only order a limited number of meals beyond the number we have registered. Refreshments will also be available for the morning and afternoon breaks. A full 25% of our ticket price goes directly to meals and refreshments.

As in the past, speakers will have tables set up to meet and greet, sell videos, books, sign autographs, etc. Items will be sold on a cash only basis.

We also offer some of our limited display area to a number of nonprofit diving related groups at no charge. To date, we have confirmations from: Save Ontario Shipwrecks, John Date Project, Diver Magazine, Ontario Underwater Council, Save Ontario Shipwrecks, Waddington Chamber of Commerce, NYSDA and Sea Shepherd. We expect to add several more to the list.

As of today, we have a total of 161 door prizes (over $8500.00 value), including items such as clothing, dive charters, magazines, books, hotel packages, dive lights, BCD, Cameras and more. The list is growing every day. Each attendee will receive one door prize ticket when they sign in. No tickets are sold and no monies made on door prizes. An up to date list can be found at


The Fort Erie Underwater Recovery Unit has once again applied for a lottery license to run a 50/50 draw at this year’s event. 50% to the Lake Erie (Eastern Basin) Mooring Project, 25% first prize, 15% second prize and 10% third prize. If all tickets are sold, a maximum of $1214.00 in prizes, with an equal amount in donation is possible. Tickets will sell for 3/$5.00 CDN / USD.

As in the past, attendees will be given a goodie bag as they check in. It will contain programs, flyers and information from nonprofit groups and dive charters. If you have an upcoming event or a charter that you would like to promote, please feel to contact us. We require 500 copies by March 26th. There is a $20 charge for this service. To keep the show as non-commercial as possible, there are restrictions as to what can go in the package. Please check out the following link for more information;


Back by popular demand, the NDA will have a limited amount of Shipwrecks/2013 clothing (t-shirts and golf shirts) available for sale. Prices range from $18.00 to $30.00.

Finally, for our US customers; due to extreme fluctuations between the CDN & US Dollar, we have found it hard to fix a firm US price and are taking money at par. We strongly suggest Americans check with a bank or currency exchange, as it may be beneficial for you to pay in CDN Dollars either by mail or by using our on-line registration. This year, there is no service charge for registering on-line and the exchange rate is normally within 1% of the current bank rate, which ensures the fairest price possible. It may also be beneficial to exchange funds before crossing, or at the border. We have a page on our web site detailing border crossing requirements, wait times, duty free shopping, currency exchange rates, etc;


Looking forward to another great day!

Ian Marshall
Shipwrecks/2013 Committee
(905) 382-2389