Obviously his problem was not solved between them and it is clear that the management doesn't want to take responsibility for their business and actions. AICD can always end this by making things right.

On another note, you mentioned you find it odd that the same trip can be described in two so different ways. I don't find this odd at all. Everyone in the world is unique and their views on things are all different. If that were not the case we would not even be talking right now. I mean why would we if we all already had the same views?

Saying that his complaints are invalid, crossing the border or disrespectful is absurd and makes me wonder if you are an employee or in some fashion being compensated for your posts here regarding this dispute.

Anyway, bottom line AICD failed to deliver what was promised, which alone is enough to make divers avoid the operation. Add the fact that AICD did not make things right with their customer and STILL refuses to take responsibility will SURELY keep divers very far away from this operation.

To take things even a step further, the 2nd line of AICD's web site says "We guarantee that you will enjoy your diving experience with us." Well where is that guarantee? AICD, put your money where your mouth is!

And after looking at the video on their web site, I instantly knew this was some 2 bit operation. STAY CLEAR.