I have not heard anything good about stick on lenses.....they are usually too small and don't stay in place, fall off and get lost/damaged or don't have a strong enough diopter.

Many of us pro photographers and filmmakers use custom made magnification diopters that are permanently optically bonded to the lower inside half of the mask by a company called Prescription Dive Masks.

We use "executive gauge readers" style magnification diopters which are great not only for us with middle aged eyes, but are of benefit to anyone looking for macro critters.

You either tell them what mask you want and they supply it with the gauge readers bonded in place on the inside, or you supply the mask, pick the shape and size of the magnification diopter you want, and most importantly, use masking tape on a horizontal line to tell them how high up you want the horizontal plane top of the reader to go, and they will do all the rest. What pro photogs/filmmakers prefer is the gauge reader to go up JUST under the pupil centerline. That way as you are swimming/looking around, you look out through the normal part, the second you look as something closer, you look ever so slightly downwards moving your eyes.

I always take 2 rigged masks on each expedition as I can't see my gauges or housing controls worth beans without them and I have had masks get lost and broken, so on an International adventure is the wrong time to scrimp on having a backup masks.

Keep in mind +3 is fairly thick, so be careful with the new style of some ultra low volume masks where the glass is REALLY close to your eyes as I have had a mask where the gauge readers at +2.5 tickled my eyelashes and that is really annoying.