Ocean conservationists and organizations seem to constantly beat the drum of the sky is falling, corals are all dying, mass coral bleaching and die-offs, crown of thorns eating whole swaths of reefs, reefs will all be gone in 20 years etc, etc.

While constant vigilance is always a good thing, it seems that conservationists' stock-in-trade is the constant doom and gloom thing.

While it is incontrovertible that species like bluefin tuna are being depleted to remarkably unhealthy levels, and there are many more examples of this, not once have I ever heard or read anything other than doom and gloom from the conservationists.

The reefs everywhere I go in the Philippines and Indonesia are in amazing condition, I have never seen any coral bleaching or die offs anywhere, and where typhoons have wreaked damage to reefs like they often do each year, it is just in the shallows, it starts to grow right back, it is part of the natural cycle in the shallows, and I might only see 1 crown of thorns a week on average.

Are the conservationists getting to the point of being the Boy Who Cried Wolf?