Quote Originally Posted by Okeanos View Post
My TDI Extended Range did when I did it.
I see they do, doesn't sound like the safest or smartest thing to do in my opinion but then again I can't imagine doing that dive anyway. I imagine you would have to do a bounce dive (hit bottom and start your way back up right away) or have to carry so many cylinders it would be a workout at minimum. With mixed gasses and especially re-breather technology as advanced as it is there are safer and easier options.

I think for most diver keeping at recreational depths gives them much more for their diving dollar. Diving reefs and shallow wrecks is within the reaches of just about every diver. The cost of diving deeper in classes and gear would surely add up to more then the cost of an extreme number of dives.

Like I said, for most, and there are always people that want to go beyond that, which is great as it helps improve our knowledge and diving technology.