Best is hard to define. It would depend on the time period and conditions. In the sixties and seventies all the wrecks were pristine and newly discovered. Everything within 20 miles was found using A loran, side scan and paper bottom recorder or bubble scopes. Knowing how to read this rudimentary electronics made the boat captain on par with a magician. When C loran and color screen video were developed these electronics made wreck hunting easier, but beyond 20 miles was still open territory. Today GPS, sophisticated magnotometers and computer enhanced navigation make searching offshore routine. Pristine newly discovered wrecks are always the best because they offer opportunity for more artifacts, lobster and fish. This will continue and stimulate wreck divers. The best wrecks have withstood the test of time and continue to excite divers by their visual relief, by rendering discoveries or due to thier location attracting more marine life. Off New Jersey these remain some of the best for each inlet from north to south: RC Mohawk, Arundo, Stolt Dagali, SS Mohawk, Emerald, Viscaya, San Saba, Great Isaac, RP Resor, San Jose, Almirante, Varanger, City of Athens, Moonstone, Gunboat, Northern Pacific, S-5 ... There are many great wrecks offshore, but these are available to most experienced and new wreck divers; Just an opinion on best wrecks.

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