Quote Originally Posted by lars2923 View Post
I believe that breathing from a rebreather is easier than breathing from an open circuit regulator.
There isn't a rebreather on the market that is as easy to breath as an open circuit regulator. The Work Of Breathing of any rebreather is always noticeable, the only units that has been tested to reach the standards to my knowledge are the APD units. Whereas a regulator easily surpasses WOB standards.

Any diver should be fit. There are so many unkowns in diving and human physiology that it is impossible to find out who is 'fit to dive'. I complete a HSE medical in the UK every year, which includes :- Hearing, lung function (spirometry and peak flow), eyesight, fitness (VO2 max calculation based on a step test), neurological, ECG for over 40's and diabetes to name a few. This test is required for anyone working in the diving industry in the UK from DiveMaster upwards.

If every diver had to complete this Medical Exam I wonder how many would pass just the 'fitness' test?