Ft. L. is nice diving. I do not know if you have been there to dive before.
The depth begins to decent maybe, maybe starting at 2 miles off shore.
So long boat rides are not neccessary. Diving is easy. Just head West and you should eventually hit shore. So shallow end on your right when diving south, on your left when heading North. You get the idea.
A number of wrecks may be found along the site. Fairly safe diving. One does
not need a lot of wreck training to navigate in and around them.
Do you know who you would be using for the charter. I have a recommendation. Good boats..

"Let's go Diving"

PS: All the springs are good. Well, except for a few I could recommend you not visit. Most springs
are of a constrant temp. I know one thats fed with a hot thermal. Now that one is nice to dive
in, especially when the air temp is lower than the H2O..