Mactan is the name of the specific airport. Philippine Air seems to have the best and most frequent schedules. If you go overweight on your dive gear bags, they have a "sportmans package" for $150 where you get extra baggage.

I believe from Cebu it is about a 2-3 hour bus ride to Moalboal. Correct me on that Klemens if you can.

Ace, the thresher sharks are seen almost every day at Monad Shoals in Malapascua. But it is a fleeting type view. There are no sardines, so they just fleetingly come up from great depths in the hopes of being cleaned around 68 am.

I have had my fill of seeing thresher sharks on 5 out of 6 mornings there, so the spectacular sardine school photos and footage I am seeing along with spectacular thresher shark hunting footage like Klemens shot, oh, that all is REALLY sparking my interest!

On the eco-newswires we just recently learned that for the first time, scientists have finally observed and recorded video after years and years of trying. A month later, Klemens gets his own footage bit by spending years and years, but by being in the right dive destination, where once again, it is the Philippines.

Any one of the well known dive destinations in the Philippines is going to knock your socks off. Just let us know what you want to do and see and we'll all let you know where to go while steering you clear of cheesy places and places with no infrastructure unless that is your gig.

For all around everything, both awesome land nature things to see and awesome diving, Bohol in the Philippines can't be beat and it is easy to get to.