Time is what makes me an old man with a great memory! It is not scientific to compare any living thing over time and judge all living things by it! It is fools science that believes in Man Made Global Warming after the Emails! It is and always will be about change! If the reefs that make up Florida had not died the state would exist! It is a horrible scientific bases and means nothing! It is just to raise money and control people! The reef are a living thing that is Hundreds of Millions of years old! To take pictures in a 40 year period and deduce anything is BS of the biggest Henny Penny type! So why aren't the oceans dead if Ted was right? Its all government left wing crap to control your life and would rather have the world end sooner than later if that is the quality of life, that of a slave to government! It is always about "Feelings" for the left! As long as it is who they feel, screw that! Man is greater and will solve problems by our nature and good old Capitalism! Lefties have no future, no hope, and no imagination!

And yes it is all about his and others vision of world government by any means!