Bohol is a TOTAL blast! You must go see the tarsiers at the Bohol Tarsier Sanctuary, which is the official one. I think the donation is like less than half a dollar for the entrance.

The caves in Danao, in the North of Bohol are an all day sort of thing, bring sandals, a change of clothes though, you WILL get wet and a little dirty.

The Loboc River tour/cruise that serves lunch or dinner is definitely worth it too. If you can select a resort, then do your own tour thing or do it through the resort.

Alona Kew White Beach Resort

Alona Palm Beach Resort

Amarela Resort

Amorita Resort

Ananyana Resort

Blue Sky Sea Resort -budget and quiet

Bohol Beach Club

Bohol Fun Divers

Bohol Tropics Resort Club

Crystal Coast Resort

Eskaya Beach Resort & Spa- REAL upscale!

Olman's View Resort

Panglao Island Nature Resort