I think the "No Gloves" policy is a bunch of BS. I went to Negril and they had a no gloves policy, funny thing is the local fishermen have and are currently destroying the reef every day. They drag weighted nets and drop their lobster pots right on the reef. I just don't see how gloves are going to make a difference.

I personally wear gloves on every dive, usually necessary for thermal protection, but even in warm waters I wear some thin gloves. I feel more comfortable knowing that my hands have some protection on them. I know not to put my hands on the reef, so I don't, but I do touch a lot of things when digging through a wreck for artifacts, or when trying to grab a lobster, and especially when going up an anchor line or mooring buoy line.

Anyway, it is my personal policy to keep a set of gloves in a pocket when there is a no glove policy somewhere. I figure I am happy they are trying to protect the reef, but I believe it is just as important for me to protect myself and keep my hands safe.

Oh, I also think more people kick the reef with their fins then put their hands on the reef. Maybe a better idea would be to offer a perfect buoyancy class before diving the reef.