Quote Originally Posted by lars2923 View Post
Vimeo allows the owner to set protection on the vid. for example, embedding can only be done from sites authorized.
Sharing allowed or not allowed, etc..
Lars, unfortunately not true. Anyone can easily download your video to their laptop and do with it as they wish.

Quote Originally Posted by Papa Bear View Post
The creator always owns the rights to their intellectual properties! The Policing part is the the hardest part. Once on the web it is NOT the worlds, it is your on the web!
PapaBear, agreed BUT as you know what's legal and what people do are two different things.

I only bring this subject up because I think that few if any people give any thought at all to what happens to their video once it's posted and how easy it is to misappropriate. Had this discussion with a colleague of mine about his video on Vimeo and to prove my point pulled down his HD short, cut it and sent it back to him in HD and with little if any picture degradation. Got his attention real quick.