Well I'm going to have to agree to disagree with you because I know what I feel is 100% correct and I know what you think is correct to you but not me! I might be going to a university that's known to be a little to the left but the professors are world experts in the marine field. To put it simple, they know their **** and they aren't influenced by political beliefs.

shinek- the stuff you were talking about the snails is correct on a larger scale. Pretty much it has to do primarly with zooplankton that have calcium carbonate shells/tests. Raising the CO2 will decrease the pH which makes the water more acidic (just remember tiny changes can have a huge impact). The big problem is that the CCD depth is raised shallower. Below the CCD, CaCO3 is dissolved so animals with a CaCO3 shell won't survive. Now this isn't funny science it a known fact!