It doesn't, not directly! Lime stone is created when excess CO2 is converted into organic martial! I suggest you take class from Teachers without an agenda! You will the be a honest scientist! You don't demonstrate basic knowledge of chemistry, and your so called facts are not in evidence! Do you read anything other than what your left wing teachers guide you too? Please read Trashing the planet! What could it hurt? I believe the sun is responsible for all warming on this planet! Not us! Why have we had 115 record lows in October????!!!! Why was the hottest year 1997? When sun spots were at a peak? The last ten years have been cooling! Less sun spot activity! Why haven't the oceans levels go up any faster than the 35000 year average?! Why is the North Pole 2% larger than the average of the last 100 years? Why are there more increasing glaciers than receding? Jeez what do a person have to do to convince you that the leaders of your religion are lying to you and your belief system is flawed! I am scared for the next generation if you are the example of scientist that will make decision in the next 40 years! If you can't be reasonable and open minded, I have nothing more to say to you! Your BELIEFS are to ingrained!