Remember viewers, just because someone does not respond here, you should not draw conclusions on the basis of that anymore than if you exercise your right to remain silent, it does not confirm guilt. Also understand you are only hearing from one half.

Kai Viti has signed up here now and now as a member, we expect that any discussions by all parties shall now adhere to our requirements of a civil discourse between members.

We have found that most dive related businesses will bend over backwards to reasonably accommodate reasonable requests, and if they do over an issue here, we will in return do what we can so everyone sees that knows that they went out of their way to make a dive traveler satisfied and we'll give them credit for it.

Other times I have visited resorts and have heard horror stories from resort owners about demanding dive journalists and dive tour organzers, not that this has anything to do with this particular issue, but the moral is, keep an open mind and don't jump to conclusions.