Let me just explain a few things and then I will leave you fine folks to your own mischief, this being from someone who learned on a double hose and still dives a double hose regulator.

First, this thing about rolling to the right and all of that, hum bug, starting in the mid 50s most all makers of double hose regulators had the smart idea of installing one way valves into the mouthpiece which essentially and forever removed the need to roll to clear the regulator. All you need do now is lift the mouthpiece higher than the diaphram. Second, many parts are available now for the US Divers and certain Voit models, more even than when they were in production and in most cases the parts are superior. Third, there is a modification that replaces the original nozzle assembly with one that has three LP and three HP ports. Fourth, any sort of diving that can be done with a single hose can be done with a twin hose and in some cases better. Fifth, while there are many brands of cool twin hose regs to collect, most actual diving today is done with various USD and Voit models due to their combination of quality, parts uniformity and availability, simple design and ease of rebuilding and availability. Hope this info is helpful.
