Many years ago a physics teacher was explaining something to a class. When he got to the final step in the process he said something to the effect of; " and there you have it, QED"
Those of us who had limited classical training or possibly hadn't really been paying attention just stared blankly back at him.

"QED" he said, "from the latin, quod erat demonstradum" our response was a continued blank stare. He explained that it really means the rest is pretty obvious just think of it as "quite easily done". Ah! No problem Sir, we've got it!

Next problem is being worked through and the teacher asked one of the class to run through his answer. He starts off, gets a little stuck, fumbles a couple of times and then proudly states his answer with the comment "... and there you have it, POP". The teacher looks a little perplexed and asks "POP?"

The young lad replies;
"from the English Sir, Piece of Piss!"