Quote Originally Posted by hbh2oguard View Post
well do you have a pic? Show off your new pride and joy.....untill you figure out it a money pit. Needless to say if anyone else is looking for a boat I have one for sale, 13ft RIB. I don't remember anything about boat names and I'm not too good with them...sorry
If you have one for sale, you should post it here. I would have loved a RIB, but I also don't remember how far away you are, but I bought mine in my own state.

I will post some photos as soon as we pick it up. We are waiting for the bank transfer and for the boat to be prepped for us. Hopefully this Saturday will be the day. I also still need to wire the tow vehicle and install the hitch before we pick it up.

Oh, I am aware of the fact that boats are money pits, but what else is new? Everything I get involved is a money pit. I hope it isn't too bad, but that is why I bought a small boat. Small boat, smaller expenses.