Quote Originally Posted by thalassamania View Post
If you can do it better or less expensively then do it and stop bitching about it. If you can't then say, "Good job, Bob!" and let it drop.
If that was the business I was in, then I would do it better. I am in a different business, and I DO my business BETTER and I am very reasonable. But just because I am not making my own, does that mean I have to be pleased and say "Good job, Dick"? NO, it means that I can choose to not buy the product (That is what I said from the begining!!!!!!!) and I don't have to talk good about it just because someone else wants me to, so here we are.

I guess you are supposed to be allowed to voice your opinion here. Funny whenever anyone else has something to say that you don't agree with you suddenly think they should not have the right to an opinion. I have seen you do this on other threads (Does Papa Bear need to back me up on that one?).EVERYONE IS ALLOWED THEIR OPINION!

And remember Opinions are like A$$holes, Everyone has one AND THEY ALL STINK!