Quote Originally Posted by iDiveChick View Post
I know it is always a tradeoff, power on time versus size versus speed, but who makes a nice, compact scooter that has fast recharge, won't kill me if it dies and I need to swim back to the boat with it, can be made to float if it dies so I culd theoretically attach a sausage to it and retrieve it later, and all wrapped in a package that has good manufactuer repair support if needed?
I have a pair of Farralon Mk-6 DPVs. They weigh in excess of 70 lbs apiece, have almost endless power on time, take forever to recharge and if you need to swim one back to the boat you'd best pray that your buddy is close by with the other. The manufacturer is loing gone (though I know him and still have a personal relationship). They can be found, every now and again, for reasonable prices on eBay and such. Great DPV, probobly not the one for you though. You should consider: the ARMJET