Quote Originally Posted by freediver View Post
  1. Get Professional Instruction - PFI seems to be the only game in the U.S. - But with Martin leaving PFI, he may be looking to teach - this coming from a reliable source in France who knows him.
  2. Realize that freediving is a participatory endeavor - no weekend warriors or posers - train 5 days a week is what I do - Read Umberto Pellizzari's "The Manual OF Freediving" - in my opinion it's the bible on freediving.
  3. Develop a base level of cardio fitness, but then take it up a notch and begin doing cardio while in short states of Apnea - I use an arc trainer 3 days a week at the gym and do almost 60 minutes of variations in apnea cardio training - this will develop a higher level of efficiency of the body when levels of CO2 are present. Find the Static Apnea tables (google them) - they are key to developing your breath hold.
  4. Pool training is important. Technique is crucial - anyone who bicycle kicks with long blades needs to go get some help. And the vast majority of spearo's have some of the worst technique I have ever seen. It took Aahron Solomons to drum that into my head when I trained with him last year.
  5. DON'T buy plastic blades - they only FUBAR any amount of technique you might develop. Get real long blades (preferably glass composite at a minimum), make sure they aren't stiff - believe it or not, one can be more efficient with a softer blade underwater - Get a good low volume mask - no scuba masks!!!
where i am, i cant get much professional instruction, are there any other sites, books, forums that could help me improve my skills.
i mainly spearfish using scuba gear, but i want to take it to the next step. like one of the guys mentioned big fish are smart and bubbles scare them off and i'm tired of catching small fish

but mainly, i want to improve my skills to improve my cardio fitness and oxygen intake levels