I agree as well, the course is a joke. I have a PDF file that has all of the course info. in it. I will try to find it and send it to you. We learned without the course, by reading the PDF file, asking questions and practice in the safety of our local quarry. It took me 15 minutes or so to get used to making the adjustments and we spent time practicing turning upright when our feat were above our heads. After about 5-10 dives, it will become so natural, you won't even remember making adjustments while diving. You will however, after the first dive most likely swear to never dive wet (ie. cold) again.

You can use your wetsuit hood and gloves with the dry suit. I have dry gloves and rings, but I still like the wet suit gloves better unless it is REALLY cold.

As far as undergarments, there are really expensive sets out there, but there are really good deals to be had as well. Just remember that the dry suit only keeps you dry, and not warm. You will most likely want to wear something pretty warm underneath in the water you dive. I would suggest some thick polar tech style fleece and maybe some wicking long underwear under that. Some nice warm wool socks and you should be set. You can always add some layers if you need to. I have found the Polar Tech fleece on ebay for about $70/set new. I have also seen used DUI sets sell for $20 (I bought that set).