Quote Originally Posted by seasnake View Post

But, the downside is twofold:

1. Doing It Right implies everyone else is doing it wrong, by implication

2. The 'religious zeal.

3. DIRinians brag that they can 'go anywhere in the world and dive with anyone else trained in DIR and know that their gear configuration and training will be the same.' Predictability--that's good.

4. Is it not true that many DIRinians will refuse to dive with those not trained in DIR also?

Now, you can 'tar and feather' me for having the temerity to point out what everyone in diving already knows.
I don't want to tar and feather you, I want you to back up your statements. Put them in the proper context and see if you still draw the same conclusions.?

1. Where did the name "DIR" first appear in print? Who coined the term? What was the context of the first use of the term?

2. The GUE instructors and WKPP members do not have this religious zeal. It comes from people who were taught to dive poorly and in the process of 2 weekends feel like everything they were taught was wrong and now they are free to really enjoy diving. The natural tendacy is to what to "share" that with those who have not had the experience.

Anyone who already "knows it all" in diving and cannot learn anything new will tend to discredit those who have learned something new as they are a threat.

3. Here is a pic of Charlie Gamba from Buenos Aires Argentina. Charlie was flying from LA to BA with a 16 hour lay over in Miami. I picked him up at 6 AM and put together a scuba rig with pieces from three other divers that was identical to what he was used to diving. Once on site, I forgot I took the bungee necklace off that set of regs. We fixed it with a double ender. Sure, any diver could put on any gear and dive, but you feel 100% comofortable in that gear? Would your trim and bouyancy skills be perfect?

4. I think you are confusing the desire to dive with other DIR divers and the classic "Rule #1".

Rule #1 = Do not dive with unsafe divers

Do you have a dive buddy where you have 50 dives or more together. You know thier gear, you know their reations, it feels like you can read their mind underwater? That is what principals of DIR give you. More dive buddies, on the same page, and as a team, your able to get to that point faster.

I would always prefer to dive with someone with a DIR gear confirg, but I dive with others as well as long as they are safe. There are several divers in DIR gear confirgs that I choose not to dive with.

This is purley a matter of attitude in diving. Have you been on a dive where taking pics, catching bugs, or shooting fish was more important that sticking together and watching out for each other? More people answer "yes" to this question than they would probably like to admit.

As for not having a goal when diving, its in the Padi OW manual. I don't have mine with me to quote a page number. I believe this concept is repeated in the other manuals.

I'll wait a few days to see if anyone know's where the term "DIR" came from before posting a responce to #1.

I shouldn't have to wait too long as "everyone in diving already know's this..."
