
Thanks for your comments. This design will hold a radial or axial , we really want to test which would be the most efficient in this design. It is in its prototype stages so information is a bit limited but there will be more info when its available. We are showing it in London to allow people a closer look, but I know not every one can attend. We wanted to design something modular where divers could build there kit in the way that suits them without having to buy a complete new RB, but still be able to mount a lot of there standard equipment from their Inspos.

We have tried to make it very user friendly and field servicable where cell and solenoid changes are very easy. 2 or 3ltre tanks can be fitted. We still have a lot of testing to do to weed out any design faults and hopefully we will get there with the help of the public.

Hopefully we will have more news soon.

Mike & Pascal