
When I went back to the dive shop I met my guide Benjim Abenido. I showed my certification card, filled out some paperwork, and then started getting my gear ready. The shop is very convenient to the beach. I did three night dives while I was there. Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. November 4-6.

We geared up there at the shop. Benjim was very thorough with the dive plan. He went through exactly what we would do, when we would turn, and reviewed signals to make sure we were both on the same page. After that we walked across the street, down an alleyway to the beach. We walked maybe 40 yards and we were in the water. We waded out till it was about waist deep, put on our fins and mask, and started the dive. The depth started to drop off fairly quickly.

I immediately saw an anemone with clownfish in only 8-10 feet of water. Within probably 30-40 yards we were over the wall. Basically the plan was to drop down to about 60 feet (unless we saw something interesting of course :-)), swim into the current along the wall. When we hit half a tank (1500 psi for me) then we would ascend up to about 30 feet and swim back with the current. This was the plan we would follow for all three dives. On this first dive I ended up with a bottom time of 51 minutes. About the same the following night. The last night I would have a bottom time of 63 minutes. Maximum depth of the three dives was 75 feet. We usually ended up with an average around 30 feet. Water temp was 85F. Visibility was basically as far as my light would shine, probably over 60 feet.

I immediately started seeing lionfish. I saw more lionfish while diving the House Reef in Moalboal than probably all the other diving I had done put together. Night time is when we would find all different kinds of crabs, shrimp, the shells out hunting, sleeping sea turtles, banded pipefish, cuttlefish, goatfish, moray. There was lots of life down there :-) This was the way it went on every night dive that I made while in Moalboal :-)

After we came up from the night dive, we walked back across the street. Took care of our gear, and got it stowed away. I went up to my room and grabbed a shower, then went out to grab some food. Had a beer and then went to bed. Next morning I slept in until about 8. Went down and had breakfast. Was at the dive shop at 9AM.

To be continued..... Next Pescador Island. I'd really like to finish this up, but I have to meet my buddy at 6:30AM at the dive club. We're going diving in the morning :-)