G'day Rupert,
Hi from an expat Pompey boy.

I would definitely endorse what everyone has told you so far, take your time! yes you can do the "zero to hero in 6 weeks" route but you'll end up missing out on a lot of stuff while concentrating on training. If you are going to dive for a hobby then do your OW and then just go diving! Find out what it is like from a punters POV before you head for the giddy heights of DM "dive god". It'll give you an idea of both the good and the bad in the industry and will enable you to make much better choices farther on down the line.
I would also agree with Lottie and suggest that you take your OW in the UK prior to heading off for warmer climes. A couple of sessions in the cold and murk of Horsea, batting away the jellyfish while trying to nav from the lifeboat to the chopper will certainly give you an appreciation for the joys of warm water diving and will also prepare you for those days when conditions are, shall we say, "less than perfect". And yes, you can get them, even in the tropics!
Your kit, so far, all sounds fine. Make the most of the dive school rental gear until you get a better idea of where you want your diving to go and don't be afraid to ask other divers to justify their own choices before making your own. Never forget, for every n divers there are n+1 opinions and not one of them is "correct" for you.
Good luck, and don't forget to keep us all updated with your progress.

PS: If you are going to do any diving around the UK, do yourself a favour and get a drysuit, and the training to use one!