I have a bit of a rant some of you may agree some of your may disagree with me. Here it is. I know when I got into scuba diving I did support my local dive shop and bought all my gear from them including some very expensive equipment. They did show me the basic how two’s but not the real deal on some of my more important equipment like my computer. That will be an extra fee.

I think that is just wrong. I can see charging someone who did not buy that equipment from you but someone who spent thousands that piece of knowledge should have been included instead of here you go here is the book good luck and if you find out you don't know what you are doing we will charge you again.

I have one more rant. I do not think stress and rescue should be optional I think that should be mandatory for certification. Some of these practices are just dangerous to leave out in hopes of more money come on lets get the priorities in order.